Charitable giving
From the very beginning those who have attended Ordinary Life have been very generous with their contributions. Ordinary Life began giving began with support for an after school program for neighborhood children, childcare and medical work in Bolivia, AIDS work in Malawi, micro-financing projects and numerous local causes.
Ordinary Life continues its giving with a focus on the Missions of St. Paul's Church, Houston charitable organizations (501(c)(3)'s), and national or international organizations working for social justice.
The Steering & Finance Committees of Ordinary Life have established giving guidelines to provide for the greatest possible transparency as to where the money goes and what it is used for. You can click HERE to see the giving guidelines.
If you're a regular Ordinary Life attendee, and active in a charitable cause you would like to see Ordinary Life support, please submit a request. The request for funding form can be found HERE. All requests for funds are reviewed by the Ordinary Life Finance Committee, prior to presentation to the Ordinary Life membership. Please email completed forms to Marcy Boyd at
Many thanks to all of you for your generosity and continuing support.