Please mark a special spot on your calendar to hear Michael Lerner speak at Ordinary Life on Sunday, October 14.
Michael has titled his talk -
Living lives of service in the Anthropocene, or Human Centered Age
Wind, rain and fire -- the earth is changing. How do we live lives of service in this new world? What does the perennial philosophy of the ancient traditions have to offer us?
God gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more water but the fire next time --
You better find a home in the rock, don't you see.
~From an African-American spiritual
Michael Lerner is the author of “Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional Therapies”, and the founder of Commonweal, a California based center for health and healing, art and education, and environment and justice.
Michael leads the Commonweal Cancer Help Program and is co-founder of Healing Circles, a learning community with the purpose of making deep intentional healing accessible around the world.
He formerly taught Psychology and politics at Yale University and received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship for contributions to public health.
To view the brochure about Michael Lerner’s talk, click here.