If you want to request Ordinary Life Charitable Giving funds, please get your requests to the church by hand or by mail, no later than Sunday, December 8, or email Holly Hudley (tembostudio@hotmail.com), or Wayne Herbert (wvh@herberts.org) with your electronic request, no later than December 8. Applications for funds received after that time cannot be considered.
Use the links below to download a copy of the funds request form. You can download the PDF version to print out and fill out by hand, or you can download the Word version to fill out and send electronically.
Word version of funds request form, click here
PDF version of funds request form, click here
To qualify for funds:
The organization is a qualifed 501 (c) (3) charitable organization
You should have a personal association with the organization as a volunteer, member, or participant.
The organization should be working in the local Houston area to achieve its purpose, OR
It is a national or international organization working towards social justice.
If you need more information, please contact Wayne Herbert at wvh@herberts.org
Thanks to the generous donations and contributions made by Ordinary Life class members to the Ordinary Life Charitable Giving Fund, Ordinary Life is able to support a variety of organizations that empower the poor and under-served, work for social justice, or otherwise make a difference to those less fortunate than us.
Part of our Charitable Giving Fund goes towards supporting the programs of St. Paul's Church. The remainder of the funds is distributed to charities and organizations suggested by Ordinary Life class members.