Learning to live in the current world with more faith, hope, & joy. Enduring wisdom for changing times. 

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February 12, 2016

"Living East of Eden in the Midst of Constant Change"

One over arching goal we are shooting for in our spiritual work is to change the way we think. In Christian lingo we refer to this, using Paul’s language, as having the mind of Christ. Not Jesus. Though the teachings of Jesus are what I am using to help facilitate the journey. 

Here is the teaching in Thomas we are up to for today in our going through this delightful collection of teachings:

Miserable is the body
that depends upon a body,

and the soul
that depends upon both. 

Link to podcast 


"There is no path that brings you to yourself. There is no method to make you what you have always been. True Spirituality is only a matter of becoming who you truly are."

— Dr. Bill Kerley


If we are to be open to wise and useful teachings that lead us to grow in wisdom and compassion, we have to move beyond the world of words and ideas, though they are useful, into a world that cannot be contained or constrained by words and ideas. I know that sounds paradoxical and contradictory. That is precisely the point. Dualism is useful, indeed vital, but only up to a certain point. We can use dualistic thinking to take us to the edge of wisdom and understanding but then something else is needed. That is one of the reasons I have started teaching more about mysticism.


                                       A Poem by Hafiz

The small man
Builds cages for everyone
He knows.
While the sage,
Who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the



of families bibendum eleifend


interdum mauris egestas non


Maecenas a ultricies elit


having a daily spiritual practice

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About Ordinary Life

Ordinary Life creates a crucible in which people can
deepen an awareness of who they are, develop relationships with others, grow in spiritual intelligence, and make a difference in the world.

Ordinary Life meets at 9:45 Sunday mornings on the campus of St. Paul's Methodist Church, 5501 South Main Street, Houston, Texas. No matter who you are, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. 

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