Dear Folks -
What is below is the full text I used for the "life talk" I gave
in Ordinary Life this week. I am calling it "Say 'Abba.'" It is an
exposition on what I think Jesus meant when he used the word "Abba"
to refer to God. We are so trapped by our Western world-view that is
difficult for us to experience just how radical a teaching this was.
As usual there is some significance difference between the spoken
and written versions.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
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Dear Folks -
This Ordinary Life Talk is called "Touching the Mystery" and
introduces how we can be open to the Sacred through the practice of
prayer. My intention is to continue how we might experience healing
and wholeness through this spiritual discipline and continue to
explore the meaning of what is called the "Lord's Prayer" or the "Our
Father" word by word as we do so. This is the beginning of that series.
As usual there is some significance difference between the spoken and
written versions.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20070128.pdf
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Dear Folks -
This Ordinary Life Talk focuses on the problems people have with
prayer. I specifically focus on two: The belief that there is
something wrong with us and the belief that God is elsewhere. There
are other assumptions about spiritual practice that are also
mentioned. There is much more explicit material near the end of the
written version about how we bring the past and future into the
present than I had time to do in the spoken version. The audio
version still has material not in the written one.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20070121.pdf
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Dear Folks -
We live in our culture with "the illusion of the rational." The
scientific method has, no doubt, benefited us in many ways. When our
behavior is looked at, however, it is clear that we are not rational
beings. Further, what changes us is not "the rational." We are
changed not by rules and regulations, doctrines and dogmas but by
dialogue and stories. This is illustrated by a book that found me in
the 1950's called "The Sun and the Umbrella." There is more in this
presentation on the documents in the early Christian movement and how
they came into being.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20070114.pdf
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