Fruits, Not Nuts!

Dear Folks -

The full text of my "life talk" - Spiritual Fruits, Not Religious Nuts - is below. However, this is one of those times when I encourage you to listen to the presentation. Some significant information precedes the written text about the ego and Self that is vital to understanding the material that follows it.  I contend that two of the biggest blocks to our hearing the authentic message of Jesus are commercialization and "the church."  Examples of each are given. Jesus was a Jewish mystic whose message was about being enlightened and living in the present. Contemplative living is one of the ways we can accomplish this.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Bishop Hans Vaxby

Dear Folks -

There is no text of Bishop Hans Vaxby's presentation in Ordinary Life for this past week. You can listen to the audio of the presentation. I found him most interesting and enlightening.

I want to thank you for generously donating $1,000 to help the Houston Homeless Shelter pay off a debt that would allow them to own their facility. If you were present Sunday you heard Jim Bankston, our senior minister, give high praise for the work done by this organization.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Our Magic Wands

Dear Folks -

This week I introduce the topic of mysticism into the mix of
things we've been talking about. I use the metaphor of the magic wand
to talk about what it might mean to be connected to a dimension of
reality that will take us off the path of isolation, fear,
competition and violence into a view of ourselves and the world that
allow for healing and wholeness.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Inside the Circle

Dear Folks -

One of the great needs of our world and of our lives is that we
learn to live inclusively. The title of this "life talk" is "Inside
the Circle." I introduce a new book by Marcus Borg on Jesus and talk
a bit about how reading it can give us a better understanding of the
sources which tell us about Jesus and the world in which Jesus lived
and did his teaching. The more we can understand these matters the
more relevant his teaching is for us and the more meaning his
teachings have for us. We must also be scientifically and
intellectually savvy. This means having religious views that are as
up to date as the views we hold in other areas of life.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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