What to Do While You Wait For Things To Get Better

Dear Folks -

We spend so much time focused on and driven by our concern for
the future. We think we can control it. This is reflected in the
current popularity of a book and movie called "The Secret." Beliefs
are important and we as individual people matter. But this is only
half of the story. The other half is that we are made for a purpose
larger than ourselves and we belong to a cosmic system of which
everyone is a part. Until and unless we see this we remain in the dark.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Who is Here and Where Are We?

Dear Folks -

I believe, as is usually the case, that this talk will sound
better than it reads. In it I talk about how it is important to be
perturbed if we are to change. We are not an ego that has a Self. It
is just the other way around. Spiritual work is designed to keep
reminding us of this at deeper and deeper levels. The title of the
talk is "Who Is Here and Where Are We?" The short answer is: no body
and nowhere.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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Pulling out the Chair

Dear Folks -

This entire talk is intended to clarify a phrase I got from
Robert Johnson years ago - "Journey into wholeness." It is about the
difference between the ego and the Self and how it is mandatory, if
we are to be authentic and have the lives we are intended to have,
that we make the journey from ego to Self with our eyes wide open. My
contention is that the tools for this journey include healthy
religion and a spiritual practice. The role of the spiritual teacher
is to keep us on the path by, paradoxically, pulling the chair out
from under us.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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