Happiness is the Way

Dear Folks -

For years now I have reserved the Sunday after Thanksgiving to
give a "life talk" on the role of gratitude in our lives. Grateful
people are happy people and happy people live longer, have better
relationships and they are just more fun to be around. In this talk I
share some Thanksgiving stories and differentiae circumstantial
happiness from the sense of spiritual wellbeing I'm talking about as
a part of Ordinary Life. Several who were present also shared their
reason for gratitude. You'll have to go to the web site to hear what
they had to say.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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God is not a gadget

Dear Folks -

I am the process of talking about some of the bridges we can
cross on our journey into wholeness. Also, I want us to be fully
aware of some of the pitfalls and distractions along the way.
Our culture has blessed us in many ways. Especially is this true
in the arena of technology. However, we can be seduced into thinking
that this emphasis can be applied to our spiritual work as well. I
gave the title of "God is Not a Gadget" to the talk that follows. I
end up talking about how when we treat people as "gadgets," which is
exactly what has happened to the feminine in our history, we end up
walking through life with only one leg.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Download 20071118.pdf
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Spiritual Signposts

Dear Folks -

In the text of the "life talk" that follows I try to answer two
questions. First, what does it mean to say that we are "hard wired"
for spirituality? Second, what are some practical suggestions for
having a spiritual practice? Then I talk about three specific
signposts for us to follow if we seek to walk a spiritual path -
simplicity, compassion, and having a prophetic voice. As is often the
case, I think the spoken version is better than the text below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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The Stories that Shape Us

Dear Folks -

This week I amplified on the concept I introduced last week about
how the stories we hear and/or tell about who we are and what we are
to do either impede or assist us on our true spiritual journey. The
current set of stories, I contend, are leading us down a suicidal
path. There is a wiser and more useful set of stories for us to
attend to. That is what this talk in Ordinary Life is all about. As
is frequently the case I believe that the audio version is better
than the printed one.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Download 20071104.pdf

Download 20071104.mp3

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