Safe and Secure

Dear Folks -

If we are lucky, we will get to grow old, get sick and die. Between now and then how are we to spend our time?

Our purpose in life is to grow emotionally and psychologically. Our work is to pay attention to what inhibits that growth and what contributes to it. We must be careful that we do not allow the various distractions that come at us from our culture to distract us from meeting the needs of the self. These needs are play, rest, security, variety and love.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Click here to Download text 20101114.pdf

Click here to Download Presentation Slides 11:14:10_-_Safe_and_Secure.pdf

Unfortunately, the audio file is not available for this week.

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Heresy and Death

Dear Folks -

The question this life talk addresses is how is it possible given that we are so small and the world and its difficulties are so large that we can make any kind of difference? In our effort to avoid having to give up control or experience any kind of death, we tend to defend ourselves with certainty and certitude. This always leads to stepping away from the truth of "what is" or heresy. Death and heresy always go hand in hand.

This is what I elaborate on in the talk I gave this week in Ordinary Life. I deviated from the text somewhat. You can find the audio version on the website. The text that I used to speak from is below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Click here to Download text 20101107.pdf

Click here to Download Presentation Slides 11:7:10 - Heresy and Death.pdf


Click here to Download audio 20101107.mp3



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Feathers and Molasses

Dear Folks -

Requirements for doing wise and useful spiritual work include the following:

having emotional maturity,

having done sufficient "family of origin work" to see how we are influenced by lessons we got from our tribe, and

having a sufficiently healthy enough ego to hear "unpleasant truths."

What is required of us is that we "use our noggins."

In the "life talk" I gave this week I elaborate on these matters and give two examples of how easy it is for any of us to "fall off the spiritual path."

Much love,

Bill Kerley


Click here to Download text 20101031.pdf

 Click here to Download Presentation Slides 10:31:10 - Feathers and Molasses.pdf

 Unfortunately, the audio from this week is not available.


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