Dear Folks -
Wow! I was stunned beyond belief. In my wildest imagination I could
not have imagined what would have happened yesterday.
I can think of no more significant gift I have ever received and could
not feel more honored and appreciated than I do by the actions taken
by the members of Ordinary Life yesterday. Thank you.
For those of you who weren't in attendance at Ordinary Life the
leadership of the class, represented by John Watson, announced the
establishment of "The Kerley Endowment for Spiritual Advancement and
Understanding." Let me quote from the printed piece: the fund is
established by the class as a way "to honor their teacher, Dr. Bill
Kerley. The fund is part of and managed by St Paul's Methodist
Foundation of Houston, a permanent endowment fund at St. Paul's United
Methodist Church of Houston, Texas. Proceeds and earnings attributable
to this fund will be available to underwrite educational activities
and programs which further the lessons of Dr. Kerley's own faith
I'll ask that the complete text of the handout be posted on the
Ordinary Life website.
I was so speechless that some of the words I had prepared for
yesterday never made it out of my mouth. You can listen to the audio
version via the website. What follows is the text I had prepared for
the talk.
In summary my goal was to talk about what it might look like for us to
be "the light of the world."
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20081123.pdf
Download 20081123.mp3
Download Kerley endowment information
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Dear Folks -
I read somewhere recently that most all people who drive automobiles think that they are above average drivers. That is to say, we have a tendency to evaluate ourselves higher than might actually be the case. When it comes to evaluating how we are doing psychologically and spiritually most all people think that we are alert and aware, loving and compassionate. Yet, just a cursory glance at our behaviors indicates that this is not the case. In the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this past week I talked about what it means to be awake and how foreign this state is to us.
A full text and audio of the talk is below. (Please click on the blue link of your choice to download.)
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20081109.pdf
Download 20081109.mp3
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Dear Folks -
At some point on the spiritual journey we must go in if we are to go on. This inward journey is difficult for everyone - especially for those who feel they have already made it, that they already know themselves. Oddly we have a more difficult time embracing the noble aspects of ourselves than those we might label "bad." This talk is about the powerful and sometimes destructive role the repressed and denied aspects of ourselves can be. We are, in spiritual life and living, called to exhibit a greatness that is already in us.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20081102.pdf
Download 20081102.mp3
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Dear Folks -
The past number of Ordinary Life talks are intended to point us in the direction of what I spoke about this week - Deep Healing. Deep healing I liken to getting a major system upgrade for your computer. We are not simply to try harder to do better. Our religious practices and spiritual work are to lead in the direction of our being transformed persons.
A full text of the talk is below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20081026.pdf
Download 20081026.mp3
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