Dear Folks -
One of the reasons, I contend in this "life talk," that the outer world in which we live is in such a mess is because we ourselves are in a mess internally. We project onto the outer world of others those aspects of ourselves that we have difficulty with. It is when we learn to go within and keep company with ourselves that we can begin to be of use in healing the various alienations that exist in the outer world. That's this week's talk in summary.
As usual, the written word varies from what was said so if you want to hear the audible version, go to the links below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download 20090301.pdf
Click here to Download 20090301.mp3
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Dear Folks -
Once again my own feeling is that the audio version of this week's "life talk" in Ordinary Life is better than the text.
In summary: I am talking about the morality teachings of Jesus. In one he says that we are not to be led astray by our anger. Our culture immerses us in a culture of anger and "being against" others. The only way out of this stance is to experience the Sacred in the way that Jesus did. To do so leads to the understanding and practice that we are each part of each other and what we do to others we do in fact do to ourselves.
I'll remind you again that you can subscribe to audio versions of these talks through iTunes. See instructions at
A full copy of the text I spoke from is below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download 20090222.pdf
Click here to Download 20090222.mp3
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Dear Folks -
This week in Ordinary Life I began to introduce the “morality” teachings of Jesus. I begin by raising the questions: what does morality come from and what make us moral people? As I have talked about some before, there are two ways of thinking and living: with the du-alistic mind or with the non-dualistic mind. In this talk I will argue that dualistic morality keeps us stuck in a “matrix” that is not real life at all. True morality comes when we are willing to step outside of the matrix in which we live and when we are more will-ing to live the questions than to assume we have the answers. A complete copy of the text I used follows. As is most often the case, I feel the audio version, which you can find now on iTunes.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20090215.pdf
Download 20090215.mp3
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Dear Folks -
More often than not I feel that the audio version of what I say in the Ordinary Life Gathering exceeds the written version that is below. Thank goodness for people like Susanna Hooper and Richard Wingfield and John Watson and others who make it possible to get audio versions of the talks. Susanna has just upgraded the website to include instructions for subscribing to the audio version on iTunes or simply downloading the talks you want. Check out
This week I talked about how redemptive it is for us to be able to do the difficult work of holding the contradictions of life within us. Key words in spiritual work are "awareness" and "inclusivity." We have to know the laws of life and how they work so that we can break them.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
audio will be available soon...sorry for the delay - the toddler may have misplaced the chip! ;)
Click here to Download 20090201.pdf
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