Dear Folks -
One of the most important principles to use in creating a meaningful
life is this: Begin with the end in mind.
It is very helpful to know, in every area of life, what it is we want
to create. The only arena where this advice is not wise and useful is
when it comes to religion and spirituality. If we begin with an end in
mind here we rob ourselves of what the mystics meant when they
referred to "the discernment of the spirit." We must work to get the
competing and comparing ego out of the way so that we can have life in
the present moment.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
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Dear Folks -
Mysticism is, essentially, being open to the experience of the Sacred in the present moment. It is also a willingness to experience the Sacred in those places and people where we not only least expect to experience the Sacred but also where we least want to. Such courageous openness to the present moment takes work. More, it takes a major shift in how we understand whatever we mean when we use the word "God."
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20090531.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20090531.mp3
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Dear Folks -
If we are to fulfill the moral obligation to be happy, we must work to get our egos out of the way so that we can bring enlarged being to the world. The ego is an essential but untrustworthy tool to use in the quest for authentic living. This Ordinary Life talk explores the question of how we can so easily go astray in the living of our lives and the things that are necessary to have life to the full.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20090524.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20090524.mp3
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Dear Folks -
What does it mean to live an authentic life? The answer to that question depends on what one values and how one measures meaning. When doing my spiritual teaching I try to keep four things in mind all the time: authority, mysticism, ritual and transformation. In this Ordinary Life talk I amplify on these matters and then talk about the morality teaching of Jesus about "love your enemy." What does that mean in both the inner and outer worlds? When we can honestly answer and begin to embody the answer to this question, we move in the direction of transformation.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20090517.pdf
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