Dear Folks -
One of the quickest ways to change your state of mind is by keeping a
gratitude log. Another way to accomplish a changed state is by the
questions we ask ourselves. We are always asking questions. Spiritual
work involves raising the questions we ask to a conscious level and
making sure that our questions put us on the path of growing in loving-
kindness and compassion.
That is a brief summary of the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this week.
The full text I used and audio follows.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20090726.pdf
Click here to Download text 20090726.mp3
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Dear Folks -
There will be no text available of the presentation made in Ordinary Life this week. The talk was on human trafficking. The information in the presentation was stunning. I encourage you to visit their website - - to learn more.
What I am posting below is the text of the sermon I gave at St. Paul's this week. I hope it is helpful to you. There is all the difference in the world between one of the talks I give in Ordinary Life and a sermon. A sermon is much more difficult to write and to give. It is an honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to preach in the cathedral at St. Paul's.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text of Dr. Kerley's sermon 20090719.pdf
Click here to Download audio of guest speaker 20090719.mp3
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Dear Folks -
Everyone has heard the phrase "don't cast your pearls before swine." What does this mean? Further, what practical applicability does it have for our spiritual journey. That, in essence, is what this Ordinary Life talk is about. If we are not to "throw our pearls before swine," what are we to do? We are to accept the fact that we are accepted and then live out this acceptance in our daily lives.
This talk contains the great lines on acceptance that I know anything about - those written by Paul Tillich.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20090712.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20090712.mp3
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