Dear Folks -
This Ordinary Life talk is about spiritual intuition. Spiritual intuition is a very important aspect of non-dual thinking and living. To develop it involves, among other things: ethical training, attentional training, emotional transformation and the cultivation of wisdom.
These things are elaborated on in this talk.
We can't grow in any of these areas if we refuse to "leave home" and/or if we remain unaware and unloving.
The full text I used for this talk is below. There is more content on the audio version. Plus, on the website you can have access to the pictures I showed of our trip to Costa Rica.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20100815.pdf
Click here to Download Presentation Slides 8:15:10 - Spiritual Intuition.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20100815.mp3
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Dear Folks -
Before this talk I passed out a survey to those in attendance. Please participate in the survey by clicking
This week I talked about an life-changing experience I had years ago that put me on a path that is made up of both psychology and religion/spirituality. The experience I had was discovering a book by Harry Emerson Fosdick. The book is titled, "On Being a Real Person." That is the title I gave this talk and the talk is about what characteristics make "a real person."
The full text I used for this talk is below. There is more content on the audio version.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Please click here to Download text 20100725.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20100725.mp3
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Dear Folks -
This is one of those times when I believe the audio version of the talk I gave in Ordinary Life is better than the printed text that follows.
In summary what I hoped to convey is that we are already adequate. We are inherently compassionate and wise. They are blocks to our realizing this and I list and amplify what some of these roadblocks are in this talk. They include being judgmental, not being present and now practicing awareness.
The full text I used for this talk is below. There is more content on the audio version.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20100718.pdf
Click here to Download Presentation slides 7:11:10 - Everything Belongs.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20100718.mp3
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Dear Folks -
This is the first of two talks.
In this one I begin by explaining how it is that current biblical scholarship has made determinations about what Jesus did and didn't say. This, to me, is a most important matter because some people misread the "scriptures" of their religion to justify all sorts of horrible things. Words have been put into the mouth of Jesus that he never uttered.
Then I introduce a parable that Jesus likely didn't himself give but one that does reflect an issue that the early church and all people now have to contend with. Namely, how do we tell the "good guys" from the "bad." What I end up saying, and will amplify on next week, is that if we can stop the wars within us, we can create a more peaceful world without.
The full text I used for this talk is below. There is more content on the audio version.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download Presentation Slides The_Longest_Journey.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20100711.mp3
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