Dear Ones -
When we gather this week we will be in at least two things - first, it
is still the Christmas season and, second, we'll be in the chaos of a
new year.
I will continue to base my talks, for a while, on an understanding of
the Christmas stories. The stories are full of light. We are called to
live in the light. We are called to bring light to a dark world. We
are also invited to bring into the light those aspects of ourselves
that are in "the shadow." And, we are called to "lighten up."
The talk I want to offer you this week is all about light in its
various applications. I'm call it -
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Download 20110102
Download Slides 20110102
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Dear Folks -
This week's talk begins with the explanation of the origin of the word
"bedlam." It actually comes from the word "Bethlehem." This is the
last of the talks in the series I have been giving on the Christmas
stories. I called it "From Bethlehem to Bedlam."
This is the experience of our lives is to go from the peaceful and
hopeful scenes that Christmas generate in us to the chaos of our
lives. I make two suggestions of how we can deal with this: live
deeply and pay attention to what and who we identify with.
The text I used for the talk is below. We had technical difficulties
this week so no audio of the talk was captured. Sorry about that.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20110109.pdf
(no audio available this week)
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Dear Folks -
The title of the "life talk" this week is "Digging Christmas."
To "dig" Christmas has, for me, two meanings:
First, to understand.
Second, to delve deeply into.
My goal in this talk was for us to understand both the context in
which the Christmas stories were conceived and told and to understand
the context in which we live. Our times and our lives are much more
like those who were in power at the time of the birth of Jesus than we
are accustomed to thinking. The talk I gave amplifies on these matters.
The text I used for the talk is below. The audio version is different
somewhat. You can listen to it by going to the Ordinary Life website
where you will also find the overheads, including cartoons, I used in
the talk.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20101212.pdf
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