Dear Folks - I have tried over the past several years to be consistent in sending out the text of the talks I give to the Ordinary Life gathering on Tuesdays. My personal schedule has changed such that this is no longer a possibility for me. Consequently, I will begin sending these "summaries" out on Wednesdays. As you likely know, the posting of the talks, copies of the slides I use and the audio version of the talks to the Ordinary Life website are all posted by volunteers. We have tried to arrange it so that no one gets burned out in this process. This transition is a "work in process" so please be patient. The talk I gave this week in Ordinary Life sought two do two things: First, to clarify more on what is meant by "non-dualism." Second, to offer a brief summary of how Buddhism can contribute to this understanding. The text I used to speak from it below. As usual, the audio version differs somewhat. Much love, Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text 20110403.pdf
Click here to Download slides 20110403
Click here Download audio 20110403.mp3
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Dear Folks -
Thanks again to all those who are helping to make our transition to the museum as easy as it has been. This week we had the largest gathering of people for Ordinary Life that we've had in the history of our gathering - over 220. This was due to the fact that we had Zen Master Miao Tsan speak for us. There is no text of his talk but it is available as a podcast through the Ordinary Life web site. He spoke about non-dual reality and after his talk I was able to pose a few questions to him.
The text that I used to introduce him is below. My talk this coming week will further explore the notion of non-dualism as it applies to our spiritual work.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click to Download text 20110327.pdf
Click here to download audio 20110327.mp3
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Dear Folks -
In all the years I have been teaching I don't think I have ever heard such sustained applause in response to the talk Jim Sasser gave to the Ordinary Life Gathering this week. He gave his talk the title
Dodging the Holy Spirit
It was about his experience going into and what he learned from going through the "male rite of initiation" conducted by Richard Rohr's Center for Action and Contemplation. It was a brilliant presentation. I am putting the introductory remarks I made and the text Jim used below.
For those who are interested in pursuing this further go to
Rohr's two books on the subject are "From Wild Man to Wise Man" and "Adam's Return."
To find out more about The New Warrior Training go to
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download text for 20110306.pdf
Click here to Download Presentation Slides 3:6:11 - Adult and Mature.pdf
Click here to Download audio 20110306.mp3
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