Bread in the Wilderness

Dear Ones -

The opening lines of the talk I have written for Ordinary Life this week are these:

"I have nothing worthwhile to say to you today.

"Which may make this the most worthwhile talk I've given.

"Will you hang on to that conundrum until we are finished here today?"

My talk is based on this saying of Jesus:

"Our Father,
Give us the bread we need for today."

The way many people think about or relate to these words reduces God to some sort of cosmic bellhop who is supposed to do our bidding. What this teaching is really about are two things that are required for experiencing the realm of reality Jesus taught about and modeled: staying present and trusting. I'll amplify on this when we gather this week.

I look forward to seeing you this week in Ordinary Life.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Click here to Download Text_20110529

Click here to Download Slides_20110529


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Going Toward Nirvana: Betting on God's Love

Dear Folks -

One well-known piece of advice from the teachings of Jesus is this: "Don't worry about tomorrow." He uses more words than this, of course, but that is the essence of the teaching. We could probably shorten it simply to - "Don't worry."

If we could give up being anxious, that would be heaven on earth for us, wouldn't it. It would be a bit of Nirvana. That's what I called the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this week -

Moving Toward Nirvana;

Betting on God's Love

I begin by responding to comments I got in response to last week's teaching. One of these comments was, "I really enjoyed your talk today but I didn't understand it." I amplify on why I consider that such a compliment and also make comments about Rob Bell's controversial new book, "Love Wins."

The text I used to speak from is below. The audio version is slightly different.

 Much love,

 Bill Kerley

 Click here to download text 20110522.pdf


 Click here to download audio 20110522.mp3



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St. Paul's UMC: Engaging Our Community for the 21st Century.

I am so glad to let you know that Dr. Jim Bankston will be speaking to Ordinary Life this week. Jim has provided excellent leadership for St. Paul's during the seventeen years he has been Senior Minister here.

I have wanted Jim to speak to our gathering for some time but his schedule is always so full. 

This will be an excellent time to engage Dr. Bankston on a more personal level and to get his take on what is going on in the religious scene. You have heard me say that St. Paul's is a bubble. It is a good bubble but it is not reflective of what is going on with the rest of much of organized religion.

I hope, if you are in the Houston area you are able to attend and take advantage of this opportunity.

Much love,

Bill Kerley


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You Gotta Start Somewhere

Dear Folks -

I called the "life talk" I gave this week "You Gotta Start Somewhere." It begins with how our lives are made up of near misses, close calls and "what if's." In the midst of this where is the realm of reality Jesus called God's rule and how can we experience it?

Paradoxically, we use words to say that words cannot say it. Words cannot communicate non-dual mind. The teachings we are involved with are incomprehensible simplicity.

That confusing enough? The text I used is below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

Click here to Download text 20110501.pdf

Click here to Download Presentation Slides 5:1:11 - You Gotta Start Somewhere.pdf

(Unfortunately, there is no audio available for this talk.)

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