Fasting and Feasting

The title I gave the "life talk" I offered in Ordinary Life this week was "Fasting and Feasting." Both words - fasting and feasting - are metaphors for our religious and spiritual work. If we see one of our main purposes in life to be to grow spiritually and psychologically, we must immerse ourselves in both.

Fasting is the disciples we uses to grow in knowledge and wisdom.

Feasting is the celebratory lifestyle we live of freedom, love, compassion and justice.

I elaborate on both of these in the talk. Also, as part of the class experience I passed our a "test" so that those in attendance could evaluate their religious and biblical literacy.

To download text in .pdf format, click here Download 4:15:12 Summary

To download the slides in .pdf formet, click here  Download 4:15:12 - Fasting and Feasting.key

To download the audio in .mp3 format, click here  Download 2012.04.15 Audio

To download a copy of the religious/biblical quiz that was given in class, click here  Download Religious:Biblical Knowledge Quiz

To download the answers to the above quiz, click here  Download Religious:Spiritual Quiz Answers


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Having the Courage of Our Confusions

Dear Folks -


A phrase that is uttered from time to time about some leader is "He or she has the courage of his or her convictions." This is seen as an admirable trait. Usually it means that a person has taken a strong stand on some matter.


What I advocated in the "life talk" I offered in Ordinary Life this week was the importance of having the courage of our confusions. My claim is that a person who isn't confused these days simply isn't thinking. What matters most, from the most personal to the most global matters, is not answers but questions.

That is a bit of a summary of the talk I gave. You'll have to go online to see the cartoons and photos I mention.


The full text I tried to follow is below - minus, of course, the card trick and a couple of the jokes. Those are in the audio version.


Much love,


Bill Kerley

To download text in pdf format click here Download 3:25:12 - Summary

To download presentation slides in pdf format click here Download 3:25:12 - Courage of Confusion

To listen or download an audio version of this talk click here:Download MZ000013

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Get Odd

Dear Folks -

There is something about the human animal that causes us to take pleasure in seeing people "get what is coming to them." Many movies and much humor is based on "getting even" or taking pleasure in seeing the high and mighty brought down. This dualistic way of thinking and behaving is destructive to everyone. In the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this week I suggest that rather then trying to "get even" that we "get odd."

That is a brief summary of the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this week.

The full text that I spoke from is below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the audio in .mp3 format, click here 

To download text in .pdf format, click here

To download the slides in .pdf format, click here


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Just Look The Other Way

Dear Folks -

This talk is about one's of life's most difficult things to talk about - money. From a religious and spiritual perspective what is fair and just when it comes to money? From the perspective of the teaching of Jesus economic justice was a huge issue. How are we, how can we hear about and deal with this matter in our own lives and time?

That is a brief summary of the talk I gave in Ordinary Life this week.

The full text that I spoke from is below. 

Much love, 

Bill Kerley

To download the .mp3 audio file, click here 

To download the text in .pdf, click here

To download the slides in .pdf, click here


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