Whatever It Takes, As Long As It Takes

Summary of April, 2013

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Dear Folks -

The talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week focused on the importance of our learning to read life metaphorically. It is not that we are to ignore or be unmindful of the best tools of historical and scientific research. Rather, we will not grasp the meaning of either life or our lives if we do not learn to go beyond this level.

Wise and useful spiritual teachings and practices must reflect a willingness to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to find and be found by the Truth.

Very often we merely skim the surface of things - like the various stories we have been told - rather than dig deeper to see how these stories touch profound themes in our collective unconscious. This talk explores such a story after using Jack and the Beanstalk as an example.

The text I spoke from, the presentation slides and the audio links are below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the complete text of the talk click here  Download 4:7:13 - Complete Text

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 4:7:13 - Whatever It Takes

To download the audio in Mp3 format click here Download 20130407 - Mp3

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The Power of Believing

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

Summary of March 24, 2013

Dear Folks -

For decades I have devoted my life to trying to find out how to make the changes in beliefs and behaviors that lead to more satisfactory living. One of the major things I've discovered along the way is the crucial role that beliefs play in this process. We must believe that the changes we seek are not only desirable but also possible.

This talk is part of my on-going series on the deeds and teaching of Jesus and their relevance for us.

You can find the audio version and the presentation slides, including the cartoons, via the links below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the text of the talk click here Download 3:24:12 - Complete text

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 3:24:13 - The Power of Believing

To download the talk in Mp3 format click here Download 20130324 - Mp3


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Jesus and Buddha - A Dialogue with Dr. Joseph Rachel

Dear Folks -

There is no printed text of this week's presentation in Ordinary Life. You can download both the presentation slides and the audio using the links below.

Dr. Joseph Rachel was our guest speaker. He is one of my best friends and is a devout Buddhist. He talked about his beliefs and practices and we ended up having a lively "Q&A" period.

The few presentation slides I showed at the beginning - including the cartoons and pictures of the mandala Joseph talked about and the Buddhist monks doing a sand painting are to be found below. Enjoy.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 3:17:13 - Joseph Rachel

To download the talk in Mp3 format click here Download 20130317 - Mp3


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The Miracle of Meaning

Summary of March 10, 2013

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Dear Folks -

This week's "life talk" raises two questions:

Did Jesus perform miracles?

Are their miracles today?

In an effort to increase religious and biblical literacy I've been working my way through one telling of the Jesus story. It is impossible to deal with any version of this story without encountering the fact that Jesus had a reputation as a healer. What does this mean both historically and for us?

I try to answer these critical question and then give some examples of "miracles in our time."

The audio version of this talk is, as usual, somewhat different than the printed version. The full text from which I spoke is below, as are the audio version and the presentation slides.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the complete text click here  Download 3:10:13 Complete Text

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 3:10:13 - Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

To download the talk in Mp3 format click here Download 20130310 - Mp3



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