I have asked the Steering Committee of Ordinary Life to enroll us as a participating group in the Reconciling Ministries Network. If you want to know more about this group you can click here http://www.rmnetwork.org/newrmn/
The following statement will be available for signatures at the Ordinary Life Gathering through May 3. Our intention is, after that date, to submit documents and begin the process of having Ordinary Life enrolled as a participant in this organization. Here is the statement:
Ordinary Life Class of St Paul’s United Methodist Church: Houston, Texas
Statement of Reconciliation
The Members of Ordinary Life proclaim our commitment to loving kindness and compassion by holding fast to Jesus’ message of full inclusion. We invite all people to participate in seeking Sacred Mystery. We want to honor and experience God’s love, made evident by humanity’s inherent diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith, economic and marital status, mental and physical ability, and educational attainment.
Whether you come with questions, answers, or some of both, you are welcome here. You are safe here. Please join us.
Please use the Contact Page to let us know of your support and/or to ask questions.