All I have today are fragments of waking thoughts. A peek at my practice.
I woke four times in the middle of the night Saturday. I woke worried about a friend who recently lost her mother. I woke thinking about the Ordinary Women’s lunch conversation about practice and nonviolent communication. I woke thinking about the art class I teach with 4th and 5th graders. I woke thinking about my practice.
Here are the notes I took, what was captured between my sleeps.
I pray for love and light.
I pray with love and light,
heal dark nights with
the warmth of love
the repair of sight.
with felt sense of ties
through soft ribbons
shimmering with hope
they hold you tight.
We are beating ourselves up
we are beating each other up
Operating out of the
detriment of the doubt
rather than the benefit
How we talk to ourselves
How we talk to each other
Follow curiosity
have compassion
practice contemplation
check the thoughts
practice compassion
love yourselves
love each other
be love
Education embodies these lessons
How it was
How it works now
How it CAN be
Nothing will change
if I don’t
Grace in, peace out,
The beautiful image at the top was created by Richard Wingfield, his visual note taking from Ordinary Life class on 8/19/18.