Dear Folks -
As I mentioned this past week my brother, who lives in Tennessee,
is gravely ill. I am on my way to spend time with him.
I have asked one of the most popular speakers we have ever had to
return to the Ordinary Life Gather to speak with you this week.
Michael Butera, a former Roman Catholic priest and currently a
practicing psychotherapist, will talk with you about -
Prior Unity
He gave me this sentence to describe what he plans to say: "A new
kind of consciousness is required based on the working assumption of
prior unity and on the understanding of the indivisibility of the
single world in which everyone is living."
Mike's spiritual journey and story is fascinating. His insights
and understandings reflect the kind of non-dualistic thinking we have
been talking about. I hope you will do yourself a favor and come to
hear him.
Thank you for your understanding, prayers and support.
Much love,
Bill Kerley