Dear Folks -
I know Thanksgiving is coming up and many of you may be away from your computers in the days ahead. So I wanted to say that Ordinary Life will meet this coming week. I'll be dealing with perhaps the most famous and best loved of all the parables of Jesus. Known as the parable of the prodigal son, I'm calling it "the story of the compassionate father and his two lost sons.
This past week, as a way to introduce what I call the most delicious of Jesus' parables, I use Richard Rohr's "levels of understanding" to describe another way to look at "non-dual" thinking. The parable - the story of two man who went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and a tax collector - is about how one can believe and even do all the right and religious things and still put others out of his heart. A copy of the text I used is below. The audio version has some different material in it.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download Slideshow Presentation 11:22:09 Believing_is_not_Believing