Dear Folks -
Once again my own feeling is that the audio version of this week's "life talk" in Ordinary Life is better than the text.
In summary: I am talking about the morality teachings of Jesus. In one he says that we are not to be led astray by our anger. Our culture immerses us in a culture of anger and "being against" others. The only way out of this stance is to experience the Sacred in the way that Jesus did. To do so leads to the understanding and practice that we are each part of each other and what we do to others we do in fact do to ourselves.
I'll remind you again that you can subscribe to audio versions of these talks through iTunes. See instructions at
A full copy of the text I spoke from is below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download 20090222.pdf
Click here to Download 20090222.mp3