Quakers - Bob Stecker and Larry Morcotte

Dear Folks -

This past summer when I was taking some time off all sorts of things got disrupted by hurricane Ike. One of those was a visit from some folks from the Live Oaks Friends Meeting here in Houston. Bob Stecker, who used to attend Ordinary Life, now attends this Quaker gathering. He will be accompanied by Larry Morcotte, clerk of the Meeting.

They will present a look at Quaker's over 350 year tradition, the ways the Quakers have of interacting with the global community and ways of worship at the local Live Oaks Friends Meeting.

Quakers believe in non-violence. They do not have ministers, believing each person who attends a worship service finds his or her own personal connection with God. They run the business of the Meeting in a town meeting style. They do not take sides but support both sides in a world conflict.

The presentation will be sharing of information followed by time for answering questions.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

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(no text is available for classes with guest speakers)