Dear Folks -
I have a T-shirt that says: "God Bless Everybody - No Exceptions."
That is a very appealing concept to me. Everybody is inside the circle of God's love, including all of who we are.
It is also a very frightening concept. Everybody is in? I have to include everybody? Now, that's quite a challenge.
Jesus' second best-known parable, called The Parable of the Good Samaritan, offers us not only a redefinition of who our neighbor is, but also suggests the role the once-despised neighbor can play in bringing us inside the circle of God's love and justice.
That's a summary of what I talked about this week in Ordinary Life.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Click here to Download intro to current study theme: Why the Parables.pdf
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Click here to Download 1_10_10 - Appealing and Frightening Presentation.pdf