Words, Strings, and Other Such Mind-bending Discoveries - Dr. Bob Pinney

Dear Folks -

During our January 31st Ordinary Life Class we heard Dr. Bill Kerley
say, "God is accessed through love, not words."

Surely this simple statement is an excellent summary of the life and
message of Jesus of Nazareth. Yet love is often expressed with words.
Jesus used words to convey his love for his disciples and others by
telling them so. Even his only commandment to us to "love one another"
is preserved and activated with words.

The lectionary Bible references used during our church services
January 31st were all concerned with telling, speaking and saying.
(Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3; Luke 4:21-30)

One of my maternal grandmother's favorite sayings as she sought to
wipe away the tears and comfort a child who felt maligned by one of
their peers, was "sticks and stones may break your bones, but WORDS
can never hurt you."

Life experience has shown, however, the opposite is often true. Sticks
and stones may indeed break your bones, but it's words that REALLY
hurt you.

On February 28th, I'm looking forward to talking about words,
especially words that are the source of many of our social and
spiritual conditions.

See you on the 28th,

Dr. Robert I. (Bob) Pinney

(Typically, there is no text available for Sundays when we enjoy guest speakers.)

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