The Kerley Endowment for Spiritual Advancement and Understanding Lecture Series - Charles McCoullgh

Dear Ones -


Dr. McCollough began this lecture series Friday at 7 p.m. in Fondren Hall.  Then he spoke again Saturday, at 10:30 a.m. and at 1 p.m.  He also spoke during the Ordinary Life hour on Sunday.

Dr. McCollough is theologian/artist in residence at Princeton and is now on
sabbatical at Eden Theological Seminary. He is the author of nine books, mostly
on the teachings of the historical Jesus. I have read his book on the parables -
indeed, quoted him several times and have also seen and shown pieces of his
sculptures during my own talks.

You can find out a complete description of him and his topics at -


Much Love,


Bill Kerley




Books available at Amazon (follow this link to purchase and Ordinary Life receives a small commission from Amazon):


The Art of the Parables ~


Faith Made Visible ~


Resolving Conflict with Jsutice and Peace ~




Now for the audio files...


Saturday AM: 


Click here to Download 20111008final-am audio.mp3




Saturday PM: 


Click here to Download 20111008final-pm audio.mp3




Sunday AM: 


Click here to Download 20111009final-am audio.mp3




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