Befriending The Enemy Within

Dear Folks -

This week was the last time for Ordinary Life to meet in the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Next week we will return to our home space in a dramatically renovated Jones Building on the campus of St. Paul's.

We are profoundly grateful to the MFA for their hospitality during the past seven months. I am grateful to all of you who helped make this transition period as easy as it was. And, I'll be glad to be "back home."

This week I talked about how what this world needs of more of God and less of us. That is to say, we need to stop projecting the unconscious, repressed and unowned aspects of ourselves on to others "out there." It is our shadow selves that creates evil in the world and not our so-called enemies. This is not to say that we don't have enemies. It is to say that until we own our part, our complicity, in having created the systems in which we live, we don't stand a chance for creating a more peaceful world.

That's a bit of a summary of what I talked about this week. The text I spoke from is below.

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If you would like to participate in an effort to increase interest in, awareness of and attendance at Ordinary Life, we have created a Twitter account for Ordinary Life.

You can follow Ordinary Life on Twitter at

This will be a way, for those of you who have Twitter accounts to "follow" Ordinary Life and effortlessly pass on invites and information about what our gathering is about.

Ordinary Life is also now on Facebook.

Much love,

Bill Kerley


Click here to Download text 20110821.pdf


Click here to Download Presentation Slides 8:21:11 Befriending the Enemy.pdf



Click here to Download audio 20110821.mp3