Patience, Persistence and Compassion

Dear Folks -


It was good to be back in Ordinary Life this past week.


We are working to post the presentations made by Kim Mabry and the youth about their Bolivia work on the Ordinary Life website. I'll let you know when that has been done.


This week I did show a few pictures from our trip to Russia. You can see them on the slide presentation link on the website as well. They will likely make more sense if you listen to the audio.


This week's talk is about the critical importance of seeing and honoring the unrecognized and unaccepted aspects of two matters:


First, the poor and powerless in our culture. Second, those aspects of ourselves, the feminine for men and the masculine for women, without which we remain incomplete persons. This life-long process requires patience, persistence and compassion.


That is a very brief summary of the talk I offered. The full text I used to speak from is below. The audio is somewhat different. It and the slide presentation are also linked below.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


To download a pdf of the text click here
Download 10:28:12 - Summary


To download the presentation slides click here 
Download 10:28:12 - Patience and Persistence.key


To download the audio click here Download 20121028Mp3