Going To A Place We Have Not Been But Think We have

Dear Folks -


I want the psychological and spiritual work I do and then share with others to be nourishing as well as challenging. Sometimes the psychological and spiritual truths and principles we work with are so familiar to us that we assume we "know" them. When this is the case, we cease being pulled further out and driven deeper within.


The story I based the talk I gave in Ordinary Life on this week is so familiar that we all likely think we "know" it. It is a story Jesus told that is frequently called "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." I gave the talk I did this title: "Going To A Place We Have Not Been - But Think We Have."


The full text I spoke from is below. You will find the audio version somewhat different and that is available on the Ordinary Life website as well as a copy of the slides I used to accompany the talk.


Much love,


Bill Kerley


Click here to download the text  Download 6:10:12 - Summary


Click here to download the presentation slides  Download 6:10:12 - A Place We Have Not Been


Click here to download the audio Download 20120610MP3