Summary of Ordinary Life for November 30, 2014
Dear Folks -
This week in Ordinary Life I based the "life talk" I offered on what, at first, seems to be one of the most puzzling of the teachings of Jesus. Looked at, however, through the lens of mysticism, it begins to make much sense. We live in a culture that seeks at every turn to seduce us into more and more isolation and fragmentation. I use how technology has affected our personal lives in this regard.
In short the teaching is that whatever we ingest and take into ourselves transforms us. That which we allow, and usually this happen very unconsciously, to devour us also transforms us but not in a good way. You can read the full text for yourself and see what you think.
To read the complete text of the talk click here.
To view the presentation slides click here.
To listen to the audio use the link below