Loving Truth and The Cloud of Unknowing

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life


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Summary of September 14, 2014

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Dear Folks -

We had as a guest speaker in Ordinary Life this week Zen Master Miao Tsan. There is no text of his talk but we do have the audio recording of his talk and the dialogue the two of us had following that. The feedback I received from those who attended was very positive. You will enjoy and benefit from listening to what he has to say.

You will find a link to that talk below.

At the request of several, I am adding a couple of additional things to this post.

First, a pdf of the current “announcement slides.” They contain several cartoons that people wanted. You can find this on the website.

Second, I am putting a link to the text Brooke Sommers-Perry used when she spoke two weeks ago on “The Cloud of Unknowning.” There is also a link to the audio of her talk.

Next week we resume with teachings from The Gospel of Thomas. The title I am giving the talk is -

No Matter Where You Go

There You Are!

Be well!

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To listen to the Zen Master's talk use the link below

To view the text of "The Cloud of Unknowing" talk

If you would like to see a You Tube version of the talk combining audio with Brook's artwork, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-_keM8uIY

To listen to the audio of that talk use the link below

To view the current version of the announcement slides click here