ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary of August 9, 2015
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Dear Folks -
This week Brooke Sommers-Perry taught Ordinary Life. The text of her talk and her presentation slides can be found on the Ordinary Life website. Even better, you can go to this link - and experience the presentation. Brooke is an excellent teacher and is director of the Hines Center for Spirituality. Here is a link to check that out. Our vision going forward is that there would be good synergy between the Hines Center and the various endeavors made at St. Paul’s for faith formation and community building.
During the 9:45 liturgy I gave the homily. You will find links below to access the text for the talk Brooke gave, her persentation slides and the text of the homily I gave. You can go to the St. Paul’s website to listen to it or to download a copy. Click here to be taken to the St. Paul’s website.
Ordinary Life resumes our regular schedule next weel.
Be well!
Much love,
Bill Kerley
Here is a link to the text of Brooke's talk. Click here.
To view the presentation slides of Brooke's talk click here.
To download or read the text of the homily click here.