ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for September 6, 2015
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Dear Folks -
I apologize for not bringing to your attention the following two matters when we met together this week:
First, there will be an Ordinary Life “Happy Hour” this Friday night. Details are on the website and I’ll mention it again in the Preview you will receive this Friday.
Second, this coming Sunday - September 13 - is another Odyssey experience. Odyssey is when those who normally attend Ordinary Life who choose to do so will join me at the 9:45 liturgy. Those who choose to remain in Ordinary Life will hear wonderful Brooke Summers-Perry. More details about that to come to you this Friday as well.
The IMPORTANT MATTER I want to call your attention to is that people from both of these groups are invited to join together for a meal. The food is outstanding and the opportunity to meet and know people from these two communities is a way we have of both faith formation and community building. I urge you to make space in your schedule for this event.
This week in Ordinary Life I gave the talk I offered the title -
Saying What We See
It is about how easy we can be blind to what is going on around us and our need to be cured of this blindness. If we could just see who we truly are and who others are on this planet and then act on what we see, ours would be a better world.
At the beginning of the talk I mention a video we were shown at the beginning of the most recent conference we attended at the Center of Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I urge you to watch this video. A link to it is embedded in the text of the talk.
A summary of the talk: These are perilous times, we have a responsibility to live values that truly make a difference rather than meekly going along with the “status quo.” “Status quo” is a Latin phrase that means “the mess we are in."
You can read the entire talk, find links to the presentation slides and to the audio using the links below.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
To read or download the complete text of the talk click here.
To view the presentation slides click here.
To listen to the audio, use the link below.