ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for February 7, 2016
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Dear Folks -
I am delighted to inform you that Ilia Delio is coming to speak to us. She will be speaking November 19 and 20. Precise details have yet to be worked out but we are anticipating she will speak Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday morning in Ordinary Life. Please reserve the dates.
The title I gave the talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week is -
Common Sense Isn’t
There is a huge difference between faith and doctrine. Doctrine is an essential starting place for human development. We all need a “container” as we come into the world that provides us a sense of safety and security, form or structure. It is a mark of immaturity to fail to go beyond this. Often we hear life-giving spiritual teachings at an immature level which causes us to mishear them entirely. There is embedded in the talk a link to a video where an actor playing the part of Jesus quotes some of the remarks being made by current political candidates. It’s funny and sobering.
You will find the complete text of the talk, he presentation slides and audio version, which is somewhat different than the written version, using the links below.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
To download or read the text of the talk click here
To view the presentation slides click here
To listen to the audio of the talk use the link below