SUNDAY LECTURE | What in the UMC is Going On?

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary of Ordinary Life for November 6, 2022

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Dear Ones -

This week in Ordinary Life Dr. Jeff McDonald, Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s, gave to us an update on what is going on in and with the United Methodist Church. It is a sad debacle. Many churches are leaving the UMC and the decision to do so, as Jeff explained it, is focused on the issue of “who you love. Nothing else.” He likened the divide to what this country is currently experiencing with far right positions being taken by many. Jeff is extremely knowledgeable about this situation and after explaining what is taking place and why, he answered several questions from the audience. There is no text of our time but the audio and video versions can be accessed through the website.

I want to thank you and the Steering Committee for allowing me the time needed to make a transition from our current residence to another. We have lived in our current home for thirty-seven years so there is a lot of accumulated stuff to sort out and decide what to do with. Thank you. And, thanks to the Steering Committee for putting together a stellar list of outstanding speakers during this time. Here is what we have to look forward to:

This coming week David Leslie, executive director of the Rothko Chapel, will speak. David is also an ordained Presbyterian clergy. The Rothko Chapel is a world renown institution that advocates for justice through the arts.

On November 20 Bill Martin will speak. Bill is former professor of sociology at Rice University and author of the definitive biography of Billy Graham, “A Prophet With Honor.” He is a long time friend of mine.

On November 27 Holly Hudley will teach. Her focus will be on gratitude as a spiritual practice. Holly has recently submitted her doctoral dissertation in the field of evolutionary cosmology.

Brian Powers will teach on December 4th. Brian is a recent graduate of The Living School, an educational endeavor committed to continue the legacy of Richard Rohr.

On December 11 Stephen Klienberg will teach. Stephen has headed up the Houston Survey for decades and this will likely be his last talk in Houston as he is moving to the Washington D.C. area soon.

I will resume teaching on December 18 and am eager to do so.

The next two Sundays are Christmas and New Year’s Day and we will not meet on those two Sundays.

Then, when we return after the first of the year, Jan Phillips will be with us. We will have a time with her from Saturday morning until the afternoon, including lunch. And she will return on January 7 to teach the class. For those of you who live outside the Houston area, there will be an opportunity to register to attend this event via live-stream. Stay tuned for more details.

You can prepare for Jan Phillips time with us January 7th and 8th by reading her autobiography, “Still On Fire.” You can also watch a YouTube video that will let you have an experience of her energy and wisdom. Click here to be taken there.

Our podcast, “In Between,” can be accessed through the Ordinary Life web site.

If you would like to know how to make a contribution to Ordinary Life, click here for video instructions.

Be well and much love,

Bill Kerley

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In order to watch the video recording of today’s talk, use the YouTube link below.