WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.146

Advent is upon us, the season of light, of waiting for the light, tending to it. It is such a cool thing to behold that the darkest season is also the brightest one, which holds promise, renewal, and rebirth. Of course with all of these comes a certain death. To enter the light is to come out of the darkness; to be born is to allow something to die.

Bill is concerned that we are losing ourselves, our sense of democracy and integrity; I am concerned we have lost the feminine. The advent season leans into the feminine, a sense of patient anticipation that gets things born. What is stirring in you? Can you lean into that? If not, what is stopping you?

We’ll talk about this more when we co-teach on December 10th. Until then, check out Bill’s sermon from Sunday, November 26th HERE.

Fra Angelico, “The Annunciation”