WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.136

A concise video ignited this conversation given by a Shaolin Monk. You can see it HERE if you have Instagram. He says that in order for something to change, something old must go. He uses the analogy of emptying the tea cup and starting again from the beginning. Emptying the cup is the only way that something blocked can be removed. Our seeking here is to empty the cup, to evaluate and remake the beliefs that do not serve human becoming. There is room for tradition, but there is also an openness to softening the edges to our traditions so that we don’t cling too tightly to at the expense of growth.

We are both interested in evolution, which is to say, change. We are both interested in truth without being hamstrung by doctrinal, literal demands handed to us. We are also both interested in community, in doing this together so that wholeness is more genuinely experienced. We will talk further about how to have reasonable faith on Sunday with some ideas that we need to empty, as well as those that can begin to fill the cup back up. It is an apophatic and cataphatic inquiry. Thanks for joining!