WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.150

Happy New Year! A new theme is emerging in Ordinary Life that we talk about in today’s podcast. You know how when you think of a thing it begins to show up everywhere in all kinds of contexts? This is what has happened with the theme of water/streams/rivers/oceans. They are everywhere.

Hafiz wonders what the river calls itself “in that blessed moment when it starts emptying into the Infinite Lumionus Sea?” This is part of what we will explore this year. Being in the streams of life, holding fast while letting go, being terrified but unafraid, being still while in motion…the water stills us and dizzies us, but as an archetype, invites us into a deeper knowing. It invites us to wonder what we might call ourselves as we are transformed, as we flow into the luminous sea of the self.

Stick with us as we wade through the waters!