WEEKLY PODCAST | In Between.165

“Weekly” is a misnomer right now. We haven’t uploaded a podcast in a while. I guess I can just chalk it up to “summer.”

So here we are, trying to find our groove again, and Bill’s ending comment is, “Have you ever had to diagram a sentence?” His point is, “Can you find the subject/verb agreement in this podcast?” You tell us! We tugged on quite a few threads, and in my non-linear brain, they all connect somehow.

I will say this: when Bill asked, “What’s lighting you up these days?” I was feeling kind of meh, kind of uninspired. But every single time I finish a conversation with this man, I am not uninspired. Pick one of the threads and follow it. Google it all the way down. Buy a new book about it or draw a picture.

Here are a few topics to consider:

  1. Ramon Panikkar

  2. Constantine

  3. Lady Anne Conway

  4. Disc Galaxies vs. Spiral Galaxies

  5. Bill’s real age

  6. Hermeneutics

  7. George Bush’s paintings

  8. Elephants

Now, write a short story that includes all these themes, and you will be on track with our podcast! We aim to get back on track with our podcasts and hope you will join us!