Living A Disarmed Life

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life


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Summary of May 12, 2013

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Dear Folks -

One of the pieces of advice that Jesus gave was, "Give to anyone who begs from you." We are trained, because of our Western and materialistic culture, to hear these words as having something to do with money. Jesus was clear, as is every religious tradition, that acts of charity are essential. But, this saying is about something much more and deeper than that. It is about our developing the willingness and ability to live what I am calling "the disarmed life."

That is a brief summary of the "life talk" I offered in Ordinary Life this week. The full text I spoke from is below. As is sometimes the case, the audio version has some significant additions to the text below. You can find the audio as as the presentation slides using the links below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To read the complete text click here  Download 5:12:13 - Complete text

To view the presentation slides click here  Download 5:12:13 - Living the Disarmed Life

To download the audio click here Download 20130512 - Mp3


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Teachers, Teachings and Being Taught

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary of May 5, 2013

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Dear Folks -

Every religious tradition stresses the importance of having a teacher and of being taught. Of course, what is taught is also important.

These are the matters I talked about this week in Ordinary Life. The teacher is as much a student as those being taught. As for content, what I claim is important in our relational lives is being able to say: I love you, thank you, forgive me and I forgive you.

That in summary is the "life talk" I offered in Ordinary Life this week. The full text I spoke from is below. Links to the audio version, which is somewhat different, as are the presentation slides are also below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the complete text click here  Download 5:5:13 - Complete Text

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 5:5:13 - Teachers, Teachings and Being Taught

To download the audio click here Download 05052013 - Mp3

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How We See

ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life

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Summary of April 21, 2013

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Dear Folks -

One might say that the wisest and most useful spiritual work, as well as work from the field of psychology, is designed to help us "see" better. We are looking for "insights" about ourselves, others and the world that will help us live more meaningful and satisfactory lives.

The talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week was about such "seeing." There is always more to seeing than meets the eye.

You can find the complete text, the audio version and the presentation slides on the links below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To read the complete text click here Download 4:21:13 - Complete text

To view the presentation slides click here  Download 4:21:13 - How We See

To download the audio of the talk click here Download 20130421 - Mp3

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Gynecological Theology

Summary of April 14, 2013

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Dear Folks -

I called the "life talk" I offered in Ordinary Life this week "Gynecological Theology." I based it on one of the healing stories about Jesus where a woman with a vaginal hemorrhage was healed of her illness by touching the robe of Jesus. It is a well known story but seldom used as the basis of a talk.

I used it to reflect on how in both the inner and outer worlds we are "not well" because we have difficulty embracing and being embraced by what I call "the healthy feminine." Joan Chittister's influence on my thinking is apparent throughout the talk.

You can find the complete text, audio version and the presentation slides on the Ordinary Life website using the links below.

Much love,

Bill Kerley

To download the complete text in pdf click here Download 4:14:13 - C0mplete text

To download the presentation slides click here  Download 4:14:13 - Gynecological Theology

To download the audio of the talk click here Download 20130414 - Mp3

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