Dear Folks -
From time to time I emphasize the importance of having a spiritual
practice - of some sort. The questions I raise are, among others, "how do
you experience the sacred? What, on a regular basis do you do to free you
from the claims of the ego?" Two people I know recently completed what is
called The Ten Day training in meditation. Sometimes it is referred to as
The Retreat of Noble Silence because one of the vows participants take is
not to speak for ten days!
If you type Vippassana Meditation into Google, you will be taken to many
sites explaining it. Check out the Southwest Vippassana Center near Dallas,
I don't have the remarks of the two who spoke - they did an outstanding
job. I do have an audio tape and if there is enough interest, I'll make
copies. Also, we are experimenting with being able to make CDs of the class.
I am grateful to Firoozeh Tuller and Russell Richard for taking the time to
speak to us.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
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