Dear Folks -
I will remind those of you in the Houston area that you have an opportunity to hear Paul Knitter this weekend - Friday night and Saturday. He will be speaking out of his book "Without Buddha I Could Not Be Christian." Dr. Knitter is the Paul Tillich Professor of Theology at Union Seminary in New York City. For more information go to
The title of my talk this week in Ordinary Life was "Training To Be Nobody." It is based on the teaching of Jesus that people who are able to experience the realm of reality he talked about must become as children.
I began the talk by explaining what is called the Weslyean Quadrilateral. This has to do with a way of doing theology that involves Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience.
The text I used to speak from is below. Much love, Bill Kerley
Click here to download text (.pdf)
Click here to download slides (.pdf) (pending)