The Feminine Face of God

Dear Ones -

I am giving the "life talk" I'll give in Ordinary Life this week this title -

The Feminine Face of God

I'll be speaking about our need to heal the understandings we have of ourselves
and also the need we have to heal the image we have of God.

For most people the image that comes to mind when the word "God" is used is not
a nurturing and compassionate image but, rather, one of harshness and judgment.
Even though most everyone can say "God is love," at the same time people either
fear God or experience God as some far-off being.

I believe some correcting (healing) could be brought to both the understanding
we have of ourselves and that we have of God if we could manage to see "the
feminine face of God."

I hope, if you are in the Houston area, you'll be able to attend Ordinary Life
this week. I look forward to seeing you.

Much love,

Bill Kerley


Click here to Download Slide Presentation 6:19:11 - The Feminine Face of God.pdf



Click here to Download audio 20110619.mp3