Dear Folks -
Though there is much to be said in favor of innovation, discovery and newness; there is also wisdom to found in ancient truth. We are encouraged not to abandon the values that have contributed to our freedom, enlightenment and liveliness.
That pretty much summarizes what the "life talk" I gave in Ordinary Life was all about this week. In it I encourage people to look carefully not only at the content of their beliefs but also the container in which these beliefs are carried.
The full text that I spoke from is below. As usual, the slides and the audio version can be found on the Ordinary Life website.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
To download text is pdf format click here Download 4:29:12 - Summary
To download the slides in pdf format click here Download 4:29:12 - Beware of Cracked Pots
To listen to the audio or to download an mp3 file click here Download 20120429final