ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary of January 12, 2014
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Dear Folks -
This week in Ordinary Life Enneagram expert, Judy Wilbratte, presented information about the Enneagram focusing specifically on 6’s and 7’s. The audio of the talk is available using the link below. Because the film clips Judy showed are copyrighted material, we could not reproduce the audio of that. You can get the flavor of the questions asked and Judy’s response to them from the audio.
I personally have found the Enneagram to be a very powerful tool for psychological awareness and spiritual growth. It is also very helpful in relationship issues.
You can go to the St. Paul’s website to get information about various Enneagram classes that are available. Simply click on the “events” link. Look especially for the big workshop to be offered in February.
You can purchase an app from the iTunes store called “Know Your Type - The Personality Mapping System.” I highly recommend it.
Judy also mentioned a site where you can not only learn more about the enneagram but also get daily messages for your type. It is -
You might check that out at well.
I have added a map to the upcoming Ordinary Life Happy Hour. Click on the Events Menu here.
Also, please be aware that the Houston Marathon is this coming Sunday. Depending on your point of origin, it can affect your travel to St. Paul’s. There are easy ways to avoid any difficulties. Check various maps of the marathon route.
One more thing, several people have asked for copies of some of the cartoons that are shown during the Ordinary Life announcement slide presentation. There is a link to that presentation here at well.
Much love,
Bill Kerley
To listen to the audio -
To view the slides of the announcement presentation click here.