ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for October 16, 2016
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Dear Folks -
The talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week received this title:
“Bring a Big Bucket!
We’re Meeting At a Deep Well."
Wayne Teasdale wrote in his book, “The Mystic Heart” that one of the things that blocks spiritual growth in the Western world, and especially in the United States, is how we are immersed in consumerism and in entertainment. To speak metaphorically: We gather around wells that are dried up or we imbibe substances believing we are receiving nutritional value when we aren’t.
Just as Jesus taught his followers to prayer for “daily bread” so also did he teach us to pray for “living water."
That’s a brief summary of the talk I offered this week in Ordinary Life. You can read the text from which I spoke, view the presentations slides and the download the audio version of the talk using the links below.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
To download the text of the talk, click here.
To view the presentation slides, click here.
To listen to the audio version of the talk, use the link below.