ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life
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Summary for September 16, 2018
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Dear Folks -
The talk I offered in Ordinary Life this week was part two of what I began last week. I had intended to call it “Living Life As a Continuous Miraculous Practice.” However, in a conversation with Brooke Summers-Perry she gifted me with a much better title -
Bring Your Brain. Take Your Heart.
We must have spiritual practices that help us maintain our intention and strengthen us to live lives of peace, love, joy, patience and humility. I suggest ways to access these practices. These include ways we honor our bodies, minds and hearts. But, there is more. We must also have faith. The faith we are to have is in the Wholeness that we already are. In our culture we can easily get separated from both the knowledge and awareness of this. Though the ego needs sufficient enlightenment to encourage us to continue the rest of the journey, ego enlightenment is not enough. We have to do the work and have the faith that we are not here to get, but to give. This is an undertaking we never fully accomplish. We have to know that “always we begin again."
That is a very brief summary of the talk offered this week in Ordinary Life.
You can read or download the text from which I spoke, view the presentation slides, listen to the audio of the talk and/or watch the video of the talk using the links below.
If you are reading this, I want you to know how grateful I am for and to you.
Be well and much love,
Bill Kerley
In order to read or download the text of the talk, click here.
In order to view or download the presentation slides of the talk, click here.
In order to listen to or download the audio version of the talk, click on the audio player below.