Reflections with Sherry Beeman & Holly Hudley |

Bill getting the flu afforded a spontaneous, lovely time with everyone, spearheaded by Sherry’s idea of sharing what we have learned form Bill over the years. What I heard most was this penchant toward loving kindness and compassion….and of course….a daily spiritual practice.

As requested by many, I’d like to share Sherry’s prayer:

May I be filled with loving kindness and compassion. May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy.
May I have the patience, the understanding, the courage, and the endurance to meet and overcome the inevitable hardships, difficulties and failures that will come.


So many of us have grown with Bill’s guidance and care, and most of all I love the message that everything belongs. When I can keep this in my sight, I realize that “I am not God, I am not other than God; I am not you, I am not other than you.”

Thank you for all of your generous shares, and thank you Bill for your teaching! You have served us well!

With love and gratitude,

Holly & Sherry